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Gothic Mede Academy


Governance is through the trustees of Bedfordshire Schools Trust  (BEST) and Local Governing Bodies (LGBs). The board of trustees are responsible for the effective operation of BEST and each academy therein. LGBs are committees of the Board. Each LGB operates to both support and hold the Principal to account for the performance of students and staff and to engage meaningfully with all parents/carers, enabling them to put forward their views at key points in their child’s education.

In the document below you will find information about the governing body.

If you have any questions / enquiries for the attention of the Gothic Mede Academy governing body, we ask that you direct these to the school in the first instance.

If required, you can email the chair of governors on:


For information on the funding of Gothic Mede Academy and the rest of BEST please visit the trust website: 

Here you will find information on the following:

  • Annual report
  • Annual audited accounts for last 2 years
  • Memorandum of association
  • Articles of association
  • Names of charity trustees and members
  • Funding agreement








Local Governance

Governance is through The Trustees of Bedfordshire Schools Trust (BEST) and Local Governing Bodies (LGBs). The board of trustees are responsible for the effective operation of BEST and each academy therein.

LGBs are committees of the Board. Each LGB operates to both support and hold the Principal to account for the performance. 

Governance Handbook/Scheme of Delegation can be found here

Mark Greaney (Chair) - Co-opted Governor

I have two daughters who both loved being at Gothic Mede, and that's testament to the hard work of the staff and the atmosphere they create. I joined the Board of Governors because I wanted to be more involved in my daughters' education, and because I believe this is a great school that really allows the children who attend it to flourish.

I am an internal business consultant for Transport for London, so my key skills are in problem solving, data analysis and helping to set business strategies. I look forward to using these skills to help make Gothic Mede even better.

Areas of responsibility: Finance Committee, Anti-Bullying, HR, PP, Sports Premium, GDPR, Wellbeing, EYFS


Thomas Clarke - Executive Principal

I became a governor at Gothic Mede upon my appointment in 2013. The ambition of the staff for the children of Arlesey is what first attracted me to the post and I think that the drive to maintain and improve standards has led us well through recent national changes in education, such as curriculum, assessment and provision for children with additional needs.

I am keen for the academy to develop and am grateful for the support and challenge that the local governing body provides for the leadership of the school.

Nicola Davis - Co-opted Governor

I have worked at Gothic Mede Academy since qualifying as a teacher in 2005. During this time I have been lucky enough to carry out a variety of roles within the school and have taught in all year groups from Reception to Year 4. In particular, I have played a big part in leading Early Years over the last few years which has included overseeing the addition of a nursery provision into our school. 

My role as Head of School has seen me take on the responsibility of areas such as Attendance, Assessment and GDPR as well as working with the Principal to improve the quality of teaching and learning across the school. 

I am very proud to work at Gothic Mede Academy and it is a pleasure to work with a fantastic group of staff and governors who are all dedicated to improving the opportunities and outcomes for the children at our school. 

Areas of responsibility: Vice Principal, Perfomance Commitee 

Sarah Nwmadi




My daughter joined Gothic Mede about a year ago. She has settled in really well and enjoys taking part in the wonderful enrichment clubs the school has to offer. My son is due to start Acorn class in September and we are excited for him to begin his journey at Gothic Mede.  As a primary school teacher, I'm keen to been involved in their education and decided joining the governing board would be a great way to do this. My youngest has down syndrome and my sister has severe learning difficulties and autism so special educational needs is something close to my heart. I look forward to using this passion and my teaching experience in my role as parent governor.

Simon Nuttall





I have a son who has been at Gothic Mede for a number of years now, and we have always been grateful for the quality of the schooling offer that he has received here. I wanted to offer my own time because I felt that I could utilise my experiences from my professional career to provide further guidance and assistance for the school.

 I work as the Housing Development manager for Stevenage Borough Council, and am responsible for the new build programme in the town. My skills include project management, finances and policies writing, as well as an in-depth understanding of Local Government.


Areas of responsibility: Performance Committee, GDPR


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