Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
The school's SEND co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs Sugden who can be contacted at gma-office@bestacademies.org.uk or 01462 732002 option 2.
At Gothic Mede, we offer different types of specific support for various needs, and these can be seen in our Provision Map below. This outlines some of the support that we can provide for each area of need. You can also read a copy of our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) policy which outlines the trust and academy’s approach to SEND. There is also a link to Central Bedfordshire’s Local Offer here, so that you can see what other support is available locally, outside of school, for children and young people with SEND.
If you have questions about the progress that your child is making in school, then please contact their class teacher in the first instance. You can contact Mrs Sugden through the normal channels as outlined at the bottom of the page.
English as an Additional Language
We support students for whom English is an additional language. All staff are made aware of the need and adjust plans accordingly. We monitor their progress carefully and provide learning support and mentoring for those students who are not making expected progress. Please contact our SENCo Alison Sugden if you feel that your child needs more help in this area.