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Gothic Mede Academy

In-Year Admissions

If you would like your child/children to attend Gothic Mede Academy and you are outside of the normal starting school admissions process, you can make an in-year application.

Applications for in-year admissions to Gothic Mede are managed by the Central Bedfordshire School Admissions Team.

If you wish to apply for a place after the academic year has started, and you live within the Central Bedfordshire local authority boundary, please contact the School Admissions Team via the contact details below.

Please note, if the year group applied for is full (over-subscribed), an application for admission may be unsuccessful. Parents will be advised of this as soon as possible and, in such circumstances, may need to consider alternatives.


Central Bedfordshire School Admissions Team
School Admissions
Central Bedfordshire Council
Watling House
High Street North

Telephone: 0300 300 8037