Year 1 - Beech & Elm
Happy New Year everyone!
It has been so lovely to welcome your children back into school for the spring term. We have been incredibly impressed with how well the children have adapted to being back at school and we can see just how much they have all matured since they started in year one back in September. Their excellent performance in the Christmas play was testimony to how far they have come. It was really good to see so many of you at the Christmas performances and also at our end of term Workshare. The children were very proud to show you what they have been doing.
This term has many opportunities for curriculum enriching events. On 7th February we will be celebrating Numbers Day with maths-loving activities and games; and on 6th March we will be celebrating World Book Day with a visit from author Pippa Goodheart. We are looking forward to seeing many of you celebrating Mothers' Day with us on 25th and 27th March, and we are holding our spring term workshare on 31st March.
The children are going to be very busy this term as in English we will be enjoying and creating poems based on the poem "When I'm By Myself", before we start preparing our reports for the Pupil Learning Conferences at the end of February. Our star challenge this term is a poetry-themed challenge (see homework section). In Maths we are going to be extending our knowledge of addition and subtraction within 20 before moving on to a greater understanding of numbers within 50. In Science this term we will be carrying out a number of investigations around bodies, for example finding out if there is a link between the size of a person's hands and the size of their feet. In Art we are going to have a fantastic time experimenting and furthering our understanding of colour mixing, and in Geography this half term we are taking a trip around the world to find out where different people live. We are particularly excited that in PE the children will be taught on Fridays by sports specialists from Premier Education and are sure they will enjoy a wide range of activities. Our long term plan (curriculum page) gives information about what we are learning about across the whole curriculum.
If there is ever anything that you would like to discuss with us concerning your child's welfare or academic progress, please do not hesitate to catch us at the gate at the end of the day or contact the office to make a more in-depth appointment with us.
We look forward to a happy and fulfilling term.
Mrs Oestreicher and Miss O'Gorman