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Gothic Mede Academy

Year 1 - Beech & Elm

Hi, we are Miss O’Gorman and Mrs Oestreicher, and we are delighted to be the Year One class teachers this year. Miss O’Gorman will be teaching Elm class and Mrs Oestreicher will be teaching Beech class.

We are very excited to welcome the children back to school after their summer holiday and are really looking forward to sharing their learning journey with them and you this year.

We have many exciting events for parents to be involved in coming up this term, including Meet the Teacher, Phonics information evening and KS1 Christmas Performance.

The children will also be taking part in many fun activities, including creating sports events for their cuddly toys as part of an English unit, getting out and about as they discover the local area in Geography, and making mobiles of the different seasons and creating weather reports in Science (to name but a few activities). This year we are introducing “Wellbeing Wednesday” – on Wednesday afternoons the children will be doing creative activities through Art and Design/Technology and developing their social skills through Golden Time.

Our year one team will be working very hard this year to make sure that your child has a fun and fulfilling time in year one. We want parents/carers to be informed and confident about their child’s learning, so if you have any queries please feel free to have a chat with us at the end of the school day or to contact the office to arrange a more in-depth meeting at any time.