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Gothic Mede Academy

Year 2 - Maple & Willow

Hello and welcome to the Year 2 page.  We are Mrs Howard, Mrs Reynolds and Mrs Davis, and we are delighted to be the Year 2 class teachers this year. Mrs Howard is Willow class teacher and Mrs Reynolds and Mrs Davis are Maple class teachers.

The children have settled so well into Year 2 and are quickly getting used to new routines. They have also demonstrated our school values of pride, compassion, respect and responsibility.

We are looking forward to continuing to help your child develop and learn lots of new things throughout the year. We have an exciting year of learning ahead in Year 2. Please see our long-term plan on our curriculum page for an overview of what we will be covering this year. Some of the highlights for this term will be learning about habitats and microhabitats in science, learning about seasons in geograpahy, learning about the history of flight in history, making moving monsters in DT and doing work based on colour, texture and collage in art. We will also be celebrating Harvest and later in the term we will be busy getting ready for our Christmas performance. 

We have opportunities for parents and carers to come in throughout the term too. We have our Meet the Teacher session where you can find out more about routines and expectations in Year 2. Later in the term, we have parent consultations where you can hear about how your child has settled into their new class and hear about the progress they are making. Finally, we have a workshare opportunity where parents and carers can come in and see their child's work.

Please feel free to speak to us or send an email to the school office if you have any questions or concerns that you would like to discuss. 

Mrs Howard, Mrs Reynolds and Mrs Davis