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Gothic Mede Academy

Year 3 - Chestnut & Sycamore

Wow! What a busy and exciting time we have had in Year Three over the Autumn Term.

Both classes have really appreciated the mindfulness sessions delivered by Will George from BEST. They have learnt about the workings of the human brain and a range of strategies to improve focus and calm themselves.

In maths, we have covered place value and addition and subtraction in depth, as well as investigating a range of approaches to multiplication and division.

We have been inspired by a variety of texts in our daily English lessons, including The Wolves in the Walls and Stone Age Boy. In history, we have been learning about pre-history, from the Stone Age to the iron age.

The children have embraced the new Number Sense fluency scheme, learning their doubles and two-times tables multiplication and division facts. They have also enjoyed their first taste of learning a foreign language as we have started to learn French.

We are very much looking forward to the new (spring) term and are particularly excited about our whole-class swimming lessons!

Mrs Lupton, Mr Warlow and Miss Woodfine