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Gothic Mede Academy

Year 3 - Chestnut & Sycamore

Hi, we are Mrs Lupton and Mr Warlow, and we are very excited to welcome the new year threes to our classes this year. Mrs Lupton teaches Chestnut Class and Mr Warlow teaches Sycamore Class.

We are very excited to welcome the children back to school after their summer holidays and are really looking forward to sharing their learning journey with them and you this year.

Now the children are in Year Three, they are moving forward with their learning from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2. This is where we build on the basic literacy and numeracy skills learnt, to foster more independent learning opportunities.

We are very pleased that, once again, we have Will coming to school this term to teach the Year Three children about 'mindfulness.' These sessions will take place every Tuesday afternoon. We found last year that these sessions helped pupils to understand their feelings, focus on their learning and regulate themselves.

We have already packed lots of exciting learning into the first week of the term. The children have composed and presented their school council speeches, we have started learning about place value in our maths mastery lessons, we have introduced climate and weather in geography, and the children have experienced their first French lesson.

We are delighted with the way the children have started the new school year, settling quickly into routine and demonstrating our school values of respect, responsibility, pride and compassion.